Completed projects

    European-funded projects that deal with converging technologies, date back to the 6th Framework Programme. What they have in common is the focus on identification and security, in particular, the implications of the use biometrics in border and immigration control and the relationship between genetics, biometrics, cognitive science and ICTs. Among the many concerns engendered by the use of biometrics, are issues of individual identity, social sorting, the protection of citizen rights and whether or not privacy-enhancing technologies can help prevent unnecessary intrusion.

    The RISE project

    RISE - completed Feb 2012

    The RISE project

    Technolife - completed Nov 2011

    The HIDE project

    HIDE - completed Jan 2011

    The BITE project

    BITE - completed Feb 2007

    + associate project - 2006









Cardiff University Lancaster University
Cesagen, Genomics Network
The Epinet project
The ICT ethics project
The Technolife project
The HIDE project The RISE project
The BBMRI project
The Gleube project
The BITE project