HIDE established a platform devoted to monitoring the ethical and privacy implications of biometrics and personal detection technologies. The overall goal of HIDE was to engage in a comprehensive scanning of existing resources, and reframe and promote debate on the most controversial ethical and privacy-related issues raised by the convergence between biometrics detection and identification technologies.
Cesagen's involvement
Cesagen was the activity leader of a focus group on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) and Paul McCarthy was the scientific coordinator. Focus group meetings, document analysis and collaborative writing exercises have facilitated the production of an
Ethical Brief on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (Deliverable D3.4A).The 1st focus group meeting took place in Manchester, 30 May 2008. The main issues at stake were:
1. How can we define Privacy Enhancing technologies?
2. How do such technologies interact with legal frameworks
existent within member states of the European Union?
3. What are the ethical ramifications?
Invited speakers were Michael van der Veen (Philips, General Manager priv-ID Biometrics), Juliet Lodge (Professor of European Politics, University of Leeds, UK), Jonathan Bamford (Assistant Commissioner and Director of Data Protection Development, Office of the Information Commissioner), and Niovi Ringou (European Commission, Deputy Head, Media and Data Protection). Round panel focus group discussion was chaired by Ruth Chadwick (Cardiff University, UK). See the meeting report & agenda.The 2nd focus group meeting took place in London, 16 October 2009. A function of this meeting was to discuss the validity of categorising approaches to PETs in terms of two definitions:
1. PETs as a means of allowing pseudo or anonymous interactions
2. PETs as data minimization systems or devices
The meeting explored the extent to which these approaches should be refined or altered, as well as exploring the ethical and social issues identified with each approach. Invited speaker were Pete Bramhall (Privacy & Identity Research, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories), Michele van der Veen (Executive Officer of Priv-ID), Sotiris Ioannidis (Institute of Computer Science, Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas), and Nicolas Delvaux (The Turbine Project). Round panel focus group discussion was chaired by Ruth Chadwick (Cardiff University, UK). See the meeting agenda and meeting minutes.The final focus group meeting took place in in London, 14 May 2010. The main purpose of the meeting was to make contributions and recommendations to the final version of the ethical brief. Invited speakers were Ruth Chadwick (Cardiff University, UK), Mireille Hildebrandt (Vrije University Brussels, Belgium) and Antoinette Rouvroy (University of Namur, Belgium). Round panel focus group discussion was chaired by Juliet Lodge (University of Leeds, UK). See the meeting agenda.
See also the FP7 Projects Dynamic Database
Members of the Cesagen team
Ruth Chadwick
Paul McCarthy
Katja Lindskov Jacobsen (assistant)
Laureene Reeves Ndagire (assistant)Project partners:
Centre for Science, Society and Citizenship, Italy (coordinator)
Cesagen - Lancsater & Cardiff Universities, United Kingdom
Centre for Biomedical Ethics - Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
Eutelis Consult Italia & Associates S.r.l., Italy
Faculty of Electrical Engineering - University of Ljubljana, Slovania
Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research IGD, Germany
International Biometric Group, United States
Optel Ltd., Poland
Morpho (formerly Sagem Sécurité), France
The Hastings Center, United States
Zuyd University - Infonomics, New Media & Society, Netherlands
See the official HIDE project website.
Agenda for the HIDE Final Conference, Brussels, 9-10 Dec 2011.Contract No: FP7-230389
Programme: FP7 SP-4 Capacities
Coordination and Support Action (CSA)
Duration 36 months
Completed: 31 Jan 2011
(Homeland Security, Biometric Identification & Personal Detection Ethics)