(Rising Pan European and International Awareness of Biometrics and Security Ethics)

  • Summary

    RISE was an international initiative involving key European and international actors in an ongoing, policy-related, non-official dialogue. RISE´s strategy was based on the involvement of the wider community of stakeholders and a careful design of its meetings and workshops. Project partners believe that a pluralist environment is best suited to stimulate thinking out of the box, preventing "specialists" from entering vicious circles, and allowing participants to reframe issues and search for innovative, win-win solutions.

  • Cesagen's involvement

    Workshop on Individual Identity
    Cesagen convened the first stakeholder workshop in Brussels, 5-6 November 2009. According to the general objectives of the RISE project, the workshop was intended as "a 'safe' environment for the free exchange of ideas, the fostering of dialogue and the support of transnational and international responses to some of the challenges associated with border control, migration and co-operation between national actors on issues related to the management of individual identities." The workshop was organised into three thematic sessions:

    1) To explore the range of technologies being deployed to identify people, categorise citizens and non-citizens as well as to manage Individual Identities through databases, systems or technologies as they interact with land, sea and air borders.

    2) To explore the notion of trust in relation to political decision-making in areas relevant to technological deployments and Individual Identity.

    3) To frame important issues and challenges related to the risks associated with individual identities, and technological policy dealing with identities.

    See also the Final Report & Agenda for the workshop and the Project Report on Individual Identity (Deliverable D3.1).

  • Members of the Cesagen team

    Ruth Chadwick
    Paul McCarthy
    Katja Lindskov Jacobsen (assistant)
    Laureene Reeves Ndagire (assistant)

    Project partners:
    Centre for Science, Society and Citizenship, Italy (coordinator)
    Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
    Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Biometric Research Centre, China
    Center for Policy on Emerging Technologies, United States
    Cesagen - Lancaster and Cardiff Universities, United Kingdom
    European Biometric Forum, Ireland
    Global Security Intelligence, United States
    Data Security Council of India, India
    University of Tartu, Estonia
    National ChengChi University, Taiwan

    See the official RISE project website.
    Agenda for the RISE Final Conference, Brussels, 1-2 Dec 2011.

    Contract No: FP7-230389
    Programme: FP7 SP-4 Capacities
    Coordination and Support Action (CSA)
    Duration 36 months
    Completed: 31 Feb 2012


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Cardiff University Lancaster University
Cesagen, Genomics Network
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