Technolife researchers were looking for ways to turn governance and ethics of science and technology into greater dialogical exercises. The project used new technology and media to promote discussion and dialogue across cultural, administrative and occupational barriers. The concepts, "imagined communities" and "socio-technical imaginaries", were central to the project insofar as groups/communities could be identified in reference to particular uncertainties, future projections and concerns that arise. Central to the execution of the project was an online discussion and deliberation forum to address ethical, social and political issues arising in three technological domains:
1) Geographical information systems and environmental conflicts
2) Technologies of body & mind enhancement, with focus on
nanotechnology, biotechnology and cognitive science -
Cesagen's involvement
See the WP4 Deliverables webpage: Social imaginaries and ethical issues in deliberative processes.
The Lancaster partner was mainly responsible for the analysis of discussion and deliberation data (Work Package 4). It focussed on the interactions that took place, including the uses of audiovisual media to encourage discussion and debate, see Deliverable 4.0 - Introduction and Summary of Results.
Cesagen also contributed to the design of the online forum, co-authored Deliverable 3.1 which deals with many of the design issues, and contributed to the results and policy recommendations relating to Biometrics and mobility in the EU.
Members of the Cesagen team
Kristrún Gunnarsdóttir
Brian Wynne
Adrian MacKenzieProject partners:
University of Bergen, Norway (coordinator)
Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain
University of Tartu, Estonia
Manchester University, United Kingdom
Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, France
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Cesagen - Lancaster University, United Kingdom
European Commission-Joint Research Centre, ISPRAContract No: FP7-230381
Programme: FP7 Capacities
Science in Society
Ethics and new and emerging fields of science and technology
EU Grant: 809,343 €
Completed: 30 Nov 2011The official Technolife project website.
(Transdisciplinary approach to the Emerging CHallenges of NOvel technologies: Lifeworld and Imaginaries in Foresight and Ethics)